Leadership Development and Education
Mercy High School’s Leadership Development and Education Program supports Mercy students in gaining practical experience in critical areas of leadership. Students will gain leadership experience and education that will in turn support the development of their authentic voices and leadership styles.
Relation to Girls' Education
Women remain grossly underrepresented in leadership positions worldwide. Though women represent 54.3% of the US workforce, they only hold 35% of senior leadership positions.
8% of Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs
4% of CEOs who have founded and led a company through to an IP on NYSE are women
Women make up 27% of the United States Congress
The LEAD Pathways Program will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate external barriers and to attain leadership roles. Students will reflect on their personal leadership styles as they gain confidence and self-esteem. The program will offer our young women a solid framework of theoretical knowledge in the principles of leadership and practical skills that will amplify their leadership potential. In addition, students will be able to gain insight into their core values and leadership potentials while advancing their personal and professional development.
Relevance to Today’s World
Women’s leadership is impactful and affirmed through research time and again.
According to one study, companies with women executives are 30% more likely to outperform other companies
When women leaders are involved in the creation and execution of peace agreements, there is a 35% increase in likelihood of them lasting at least 15 years
Women are needed in leadership roles as they bring powerful experiences and opinions to all they do.
Relevant Courses
Leadership Development
AP Government
AP Seminar
AP Research
Service and Social Justice
Statistics / AP Statistics
Creative Solutions for the Global Good
Advanced Solutions for the Global Good
Virtual Enterprise
Service Learning
Mercy Activities
Student Council
Student Body Officers
Mock Trial
Civic Leaders of America
Team Captain
Team Manager
Sample of Leadership Development Modules Offered
Mercy Leadership - Required
Christian/Servant Leadership - Required
Why We Have so Few Women Leaders
The Science of Women’s Leadership
Building up the Women Around You
The Importance of Mentorship - How to Find One
Silencing Self-Doubt
Intentional Influence
Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Resolution
Managing Priorities/Resources/Time
Allyship - Creating Inclusive Teams
Presenting with Impact
Communicating Across Cultures
The Value of Social Capital and How to Create It
Fiscal Leadership
Utilizing Attribute Inventories for Personal Development
Non-Positional Leadership - Cultivating Leadership from the Middle
Meeting Management - Agendas and Facilitation
The Value of Self-Reflection
Effective Public Speaking
Harnessing Social Media for Change
Battling Negativity in Organizations/Participants