*Gmail clips - Must view entire message for Quick Links to work properly, click HERE. FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL ![]() Dear Mercy Families,
Last weekend we had our Cap and Gown Pick Up Day for the Class of 2020. Seeing students and their parents in their cars as faculty and staff cheered them on was a wonderful reminder of the heart and strength of our community. We are so proud of our seniors as they prepare for graduation. On Mercy Day Sister Pat McDermott said that "Together we can make our world a home of Mercy". I have no doubt that our graduates, regardless of where their paths take them, will help to bring Mercy into the homes of their college dorms and the classrooms of their universities. What a wonderful thought that is!
Thanks, Natalie ALL SCHOOL NEWS
Mercy Annual Fund Parent Giving program '20-'21
This year we had 100% participation by every Board member, every teacher and staff member, and 61% of the parents. Our goal for the '20-'21 school year is to achieve 100% parent participation as all gifts to the annual fund directly benefit your daughter and every girl at Mercy.
Should you find yourself in a place where you are able to give, we hope that you will make your commitment to the Mercy Annual Fund parent pledge program.
Payments may be made in a single gift or pledged over the course of the year. Please see the options on the pledge form you received by mail or by visiting the Mercy Annual Fund Parent Giving page on our website or directly to the fillable PDF HERE. Please return your pledge form by May 29, 2020.
It's an investment that provides a foundation for a lifetime.
ABC7's Grads on 7! ABC7 is honoring Bay Area high school graduates with photos on their newscasts and digital platforms.
Mercy Burlingame will be featured tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, during the 6am and 4pm newscasts on ABC7. Be sure to tune-in and set your DVR!
Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
SOPHOMORE PARENTS Class Rings We are so excited for your daughter to take the next step in her journey of the Sisterhood at Mercy and order her class ring! We have coordinated with Josten's two possible ways for you to order a class ring for next year. The first is to go to www.citygradsf.com and fill out the form online. You can submit the form and payment in full online, or you can print the online form and mail a $75 deposit to Mr. Reid. The second option is to use the paper order form that was given out in the class ring meeting, and mail it to Mr. Ried with the $75 deposit. Payment plans are available. Orders placed by May 15th will guarantee delivery for the Junior Ring Ceremony in the Fall.
ATHLETICS ![]() Please feel free to contact me anytime with concerns or comments at 650-762-1107. I am looking forward to a great 2019-20 with Mercy Athletics!
Spring Team Uniform returns: Thanks to all of our spring athletes who returned their uniforms and Mercy gear. Important reminder: If you do not return prior to the end of the school year, a replacement fee will be sent to the families that have not made contact with Mr. Dougherty.
Spring Sports Individual and Team photos Mercy has learned that as of mid-march, Lifetouch Photography furloughed their lab technicians due to COVID19. They are forecasting a significant delay in printing spring sports individual and team photos for their schools. In the meantime, they have agreed to provide a digital copy of the team sports. We have made them available for you to download here. If you have purchased individual or team photos, you will still receive the professional, high-quality prints in the mail to your home. When Lifetouch provides a better understanding of print timetables, we will communicate that with you.
Purchase Team Photos If you would like to purchase printed photos taken by Lifetouch please use this link to access pictures. events.lifetouch.com/mercyburlingamehighschool We currently have coach openings in the following sports. If you are aware of a potential candidate, please tell them that we are accepting resumes. All interested coaches should contact Athletic Director Charlie Dougherty.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS ![]() Mercy Gives Thanks! we are so grateful to the hundreds of people who joined us for the We have raised $300,000 of our $400,000 goal. your generosity is deeply appreciated. God Bless each of you and your families.
The Library Summer Book clubs are in place, and most have had their first introductory meeting. Ask your daughter which book she chose and why, and please encourage her to take a bit of time to read it over the Summer break. These books are light, and fun and one or two of them are very topical. You might consider reading them yourself so you can discuss the issues they raise.
This is the Distance Learning schedule for your reference. Students are required to sign into Advisory every Tuesday from 1:10-1:20 for a check in with their Advisor. Students are expected to participate in Collaboration period activities and be available if contacted by a faculty or staff member by email, Gchat, or Zoom until 2:30.
Student Absences from Distance Learning: Please be sure to email attendance@mercyhsb.com if your daughter will miss all or part of her Distance Learning for the day. It is important that we maintain accurate attendance records for our students. Thank you!
Community Opportunities We encourage you to familiarize yourselves with opportunities that are available to both our parent and student community. These will be led by our faculty and staff and include sessions and activities such as College Counseling, Wellness Challenges, Lunchtime Meditations, and home workouts. Please encourage your daughters to take advantage of these opportunities for connection and movement! Click here to view the weekly schedule on our Distance Learning Resources page. Specific Zoom links can be found on Schoology. CALENDARS MERCY HIGH SCHOOL 2750 Adeline Drive • Burlingame, CA 94010 • Phone 650.343.3631 • Fax 650.343.2316 |