QUICK LINKS *Gmail clips - Must view entire message for Quick Links to work properly, click HERE. FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Mercy Families,
This past weekend our Campus Ministers hosted our first alumnae retreat. It was wonderful seeing alums spanning several decades come together to once again know the mercy they grew to love during their time here as students.
They were bonded not only in mercy but also in confidence. According to studies, Graduates of Girls' schools report higher self-confidence over their coed peers, and show initiative in holding leadership positions in college and careers. This couldn't have been more clear in listening to the vast accomplishments of our alumnae community. Seeing what resilient, confident, and ambitious women Mercy Girls are made me excited to one day hear about what your daughters will accomplish and what life dreams they may pursue. I hope no matter where life brings them that they will always feel supported by the lessons they have learned at Mercy.
Thanks, ALL SCHOOL NEWS Thank you to our Volunteers! Dad & Daughter Dance A huge thanks to Marta Sangervasi and Yohko Fick for chairing this event and completely transforming our space into a diner! Thanks to Karen Sammons and Iris Postigo, our MPC board members for their constant support and for leading our volunteers at the dance. Thank you to Ana Brownstein, Lisa Colville, Craig Farell, Maureen Guevarra, Michelle Landaverde, Esmeralda Majano, Lisa Mcguire, Carolina Orlando, Karen Sammons, Deanne Sweidan, & Susan Torres for making this a great event! Share your photos with us HERE Admissions Interviews Thanks to our parent greeters for making our prospective families feel welcome at their Admission intervews this month! Galla Bradshaw, Stacey Bullentini, ie Dawes, Yohko Fick, Rene Gilligan, Luke Perkocha, & Virginia Sandino UPCOMING EVENTS
Only 15 Tickets Left!!! Please join us for the New England Lobster Market's traditional-style boil! Enjoy a unique dining experience with entertainment, cocktails, and a live and silent auction.
6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Mercy High School, Burlingame
Standard Ticket Price - $85 Per Person
Buy your tickets now! Chicken dinner substitution available at time of ticket purchase. MUST BE 21 AND OVER TO ATTEND, NO HOST BAR All proceeds benefit Mercy High School, Burlingame
Auction Item Sneak Peak! Bid On
Please contact Jennifer Munsey, in the Mercy Advancement office with any questions 650-762-1199. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES
Lobster Feed & Live Music Friday, Feb. 28, 2020 Volunteer at the Lobster Feed & Live Music event and earn service hours! Click HERE to sign up. Please contact Amare Silvain the Advancement Office with any questions.
Volunteer with Music at Kohl Mansion! Our next concert is Sunday February 16, 2020 and we need volunteers 6-10pm to help with reception set up and serving. Students receive service hours and adults receive our utmost gratitude –plus, it's a fun evening! If you are interested, please contact Katie Riggs at (650) 762-1130 or admin@musicatkohl.org EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL Close-Up 2021 January 16-23, 2021 This trip is open to all students Freshmen to Seniors of 2020-2021. Click HERE to watch a video with more information. Please contact Tom Wootten at Twootten@mercyhsb.com if interested.
If you are interested in attending the Washington D.C. Inauguration next year, please click HERE to fill out the form and see Mr. Wootten if you have any questions. CLASS INFORMATION JUNIOR PARENTS Thank you for attending the Junior Parent Night! Please click HERE for the slides from the Junior Parent Night presentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Fohanessian@mercyhsb.com or Jphillips@mercyhsb.com. College Kickoff Meeting It is time to schedule your College Kickoff meetings with Mrs. Ohanessian. Please click on this link to schedule a meeting. The meetings will include information about testing, the college application process, and upcoming events ATHLETICS Please feel free to contact me anytime with concerns or comments at 650-762-1107. I am looking forward to a great 2019-20 with Mercy Athletics!
Follow Mercy Athletics on Twitter for game updates and scores!
All results of each team can be found in the Mercy scoreboard-place HERE
Games & Practice Schedule February 13-19
Athlete of the Week Maddy has been a 4 year starter on the Varsity soccer team. Her relentless play on the field helps set the tone of the game for the team. Maddy is extremely dedicated to the team's success and is always willing to train or help others on the team. Maddy is usually playing mid field but can be used in other positions if needed. She has scored 3 goals and 1 assist on the year thus far. The team plays Kings Academy in a must win situation on Friday in order to secure a WBAL play in game opportunity. Winner of the play in games is guaranteed a CCS post season bid. Maddy will be right in the mix of the play as she covers a lot of the field during the matches. Great job, keep it going Maddy!
Purchase FALL and WINTER Team Photos If you would like to purchase photos taken by Lifetouchplease use this link to access pictures. events.lifetouch.com/mercyburlingamehighschool
We currently have a coach opening in the following sport. If you are aware of a potential candidate, please tell them that we are accepting resumes. All interested coaches should contact Athletic Director Charlie Dougherty. • Varsity Head Coach Volleyball-Fall of 2020
IMPORTANT REMINDERS 2020-2021 Mercy Course Catalog The Mercy Course Catalog for 2020-2021 is available now. Students will meet one-on-one with counselors in the coming weeks to make their course requests in PowerSchool. This year families will not be responsible for making those requests at home, which is a change! We hope this is more convenient for you. Parents will still have access to the recommendations and course requests, and we encourage you to talk with your daughter about them. Email or call your daughter's counselor with questions or concerns. Thank you for careful consideration of a balanced and rigorous course load! Students will be meeting with their counselors in the coming weeks to choose courses for next year. Click HERE for the informational video they will watch in advisory this week.
Sewing Machines Needed Mercy is excited to be running a new Creative Problem Solving class this semester, and we are looking for a donation of 2 new sewing machines Brother Project Sewing Machine for the class. If you can help, please let Sarah Murphy know at smurphy@mercyhsb.com. You of course will receive a gift letter for your donation.
Reminder that handicapped parking spaces on campus are for cars with disabled placards only. We have community members who need to use these parking spaces and they have recently been taken when they came to campus. If there are no spaces available during pick up and drop off, please wait in the pick up/drop off line for your daughter. Thank you!. CALENDARS MERCY HIGH SCHOOL 2750 Adeline Drive • Burlingame, CA 94010 • Phone 650.343.3631 • Fax 650.343.2316 |