QUICK LINKS *Gmail clips - Must view entire message for Quick Links to work properly, click HERE. FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL ![]() ![]() Dear Mercy Families,
At yesterday's Liturgy we were reminded to reflect on gratitude every single day. Feeling appreciation can help change our attitude, and with it, the way we view the world and one another. We were encouraged to thank someone each day for the impact they have on us.
As we break for Thanksgiving it's important to thank all of you for everything you bring to our Mercy community, and for once again choosing Mercy for your girls. I know I speak on behalf of our Faculty and Staff when I say thank you for trusting us to educate your daughters and to be part of their formation. It is truly an honor.
I hope everybody has a blessed Thanksgiving.
Thanks, ALL SCHOOL NEWS ![]() Let us give thanks to our creative, dedicated and talented Mercy Moms, Alum Moms and local florists for the Kohl Mansion's Christmas Decor! Mercy Moms and Alumna: Lorena Vierra, Denise Malig, Melinda MacNaughton, Lisa McQuire, Cynthia Bringas. Alumna and Alumna Moms: Kelli Benz, Terry Dahlberg, Megan Dahlberg '13, Ann Dellinges, Debbie Petrucci, Libby Schaul. Local Florists: Absolute Elegance, Sweetness and Light Flowers, Amy Burke Floral Designs, and Pico Soriano. Come and enjoy the beautiful creations they have provided for our campus. It kicked off the Christmas season for us all!
![]() Coffee with the Counselors Join us this Friday, November 22nd at 8:00 a.m. for the Coffee with Counselors. This event is open to all parents who are starting to think about the finals process and how they can support their students during a very busy time. We will discuss study skills and strategies for students to help ease the stress of finals. Please click HERE to RSVP! We will be meeting in the reception room of the mansion. We hope to see you there!
![]() Need a few more volunteer slots filled at our two upcoming events! Thanks to all who signed up! We still need a few more volunteers to take a short shift. Consider helping out for just an hour or so after you enjoy the event! TASTE AND TAKE (Wine Tasting) Friday, Nov. 22nd CHRISTMAS AT KOHL Wednesday, Dec. 4th
For more information please contact Amaré Silva at asilva@mercyhsb.com. UPCOMING EVENTS ![]() Last chance to pre-purchase your tickets before the price goes up! We are excited for a fun night out! Friday, November 22nd • 7-10 p.m.
Join us in sampling libations with friends, discovering local eateries, and enjoying
Open House Open House is Monday, Dec. 2 from 5-7pm. Make sure to tell all your friends and family with middle schoolers to attend! Register online here.
Open House Lawn Signs
Christmas at Kohl is Coming! Please join us for Christmas at Kohl Holiday Boutique! We will have over 65 vendors, and the Mansion will be decorated for the holidays. It is a great night to come with friends and family to kick off the holiday season!
SAVE THE DATE Winter Chorale Concert Christmas is awe...some! 7:00PM - Kohl Mansion Mercy Tri-M Music Honor Society
SAVE THE DATE Mercy Dance Concert It's Christmas at Mercy! Thursday, December 12th 6:30PM Mercy SF Theatre 3250 19th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132 SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Volunteer with Music at Kohl Mansion's special Holiday Gala Concert! We need a few extra hands for this extra festive event! Mercy students receive service credit hours; adult volunteers receive our utmost gratitude – and a fun evening! December 15th, 6-10pm. Please contact Katie Riggs at admin@musicatkohl.org or (650)762-1130. For more information on Music at Kohl Mansion's 37th season, please visit www.musicatkohl.org CLASS INFORMATION SENIOR PARENTS ![]() Senior Parents: Join us in celebrating your senior by placing a Yearbook Recognition Ad for your student by Saturday, November 30th. To purchase, click HERE to begin. Ad space is limited so purchase yours today!
A few tips for creating your ad Words: Think about the message from the point of view of your daughter:
ATHLETICS ![]() Please feel free to contact me anytime with concerns or comments at 650-762-1107. I am looking forward to a great 2019-20 with Mercy Athletics!
Follow Mercy Athletics on Twitter for game updates and scores!
All results of each team can be found in the Mercy scoreboard-place HERE
Uniform Returns: Please have all uniforms/Mercy gear returned cleaned and washed ASAP. There are still some athletes who have not brought back their uniform or Mercy gear. Deadline is this Friday Nov 22 or families will be billed a replacement fee. All items should be returned to the office of the Athletic Director Charlie Dougherty
![]() Purchase Fall Team Photos If you would like to purchase photos taken by Lifetouch for Fall Sports, please use this link to access pictures. events.lifetouch.com/mercyburlingamehighschool
Games & Practice Schedule November 21-27
Spring Sports Conditioning has started! Sessions will be held each Monday and Wednesday that school is in session thru Dec 11. We will resume sessions on January 8. Spring Sports start on Feb 3, 2020
IMPORTANT REMINDERS ![]() Shop for Mercy this Holiday Season With the holiday season quickly approaching, we want to share a few ways you can give back to Mercy through your holiday shopping at no additional cost to you! Check out our Shop for Mercy page for information on the shopping programs that benefit our school as you shop online and in stores.
Financial Assistance Program for 2020-2021 We recognize that families have varying financial needs and make financial sacrifices to provide their daughters with a strong academic education. Awards are made for a one-year period, families must re-apply each year. The application process is fair and confidential, assessed by an outside firm (TADS) that specializes in school financial assistance programs. Financial aid awards are made based on a family's demonstrated need and the availability of school funds.
All families who would like to be considered for financial assistance for the 2020-21 school year must complete an online financial aid application and submit all necessary documentation. The deadline for applying is no later than January 15, 2020. Visit the website HERE for more information and the online TADS application. Late applications are processed and reviewed, but meeting the appropriate deadline is strongly recommended to be included in the first round of aid awards. Please contact Lynn Beal at 650-762-1101 or lbeal@mercyhsb.com if you have any questions.
Cold and flu season is upon us! The health of our students is of utmost importance. If your daughter is ill, please keep her home to rest. Students who have a fever or are vomiting must stay home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to school. If your daughter is absent from school for more than three days, please provide a doctor's note upon her return to school. Thank you!
![]() Are You in the Painting Business?
Mercy Annual Fund Parent Giving Program
Jennifer Munsey
Don't miss out! This can make a great Christmas gift from parents or grandparents, or a graduation gift before they head off to college. Send your daughter on a trip of a life-time to places that they may never get the opportunity to go. Many people visit London, Paris, and Rome, but beautiful Lucerne in the Alps, the Tuscan region in north Italy, the luxurious Monaco, the French Riviera, and festive Barcelona, Spain are places that are rich in history, fun to shop, and gorgeous to view. Parents have the opportunity to sign their daughters up for this educational excursion (during which you get a vacation at home) happening July 22-Aug 1 give or take a few days. The enrollment is limited to 30 students. Some students have already enrolled. Open to students only. Click HERE to find out more about what your daughters will experience and how to sign her up.
For more information visit the EF Tours website or email Randall Watts at rwatts@mercyhsb.com Tour Number: 2271527NN Enrollment Website: www.eftours.com/2271527NN If families want to enroll via a customer service rep, then they can call 800-665-5364. CALENDARS MERCY HIGH SCHOOL 2750 Adeline Drive • Burlingame, CA 94010 • Phone 650.343.3631 • Fax 650.343.2316 |