QUICK LINKS *Gmail clips - Must view entire message for Quick Links to work properly, click HERE. FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL ![]() Dear Mercy Parents,
I hope all of your daughters are back to the swing of things and enjoying their classes. We truly enjoy all the hellos every morning as you are dropping off your daughter!
Next week on September 18th at 7 PM we have our MPC kick off meeting! I hope you will consider attending as we love to have all of our parents actively involved in our community.
The fall is always a very busy time as we begin a new Admissions Season. I hope that you will visit the Admissions section of our website and encourage any family or friends with daughters in junior high to attend an event such as Open House or Parent Talk & Tours. If you have ideas regarding outreach to potential students and their families, please know we welcome your feedback and partnership. Thank you for being part of our Admissions Team!
I feel blessed to be part of the Mercy community and I hope that you and your daughters feel this as well. If there is ever anything that I can do please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thanks, Head of School ALL SCHOOL NEWS ![]() CSF Applications are due Sept. 13th!
![]() CalTrain presents a Brave Maker film screening and Teen-Led Panel Discussion on Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention Click HERE for flyer or www.edgeofsuccessmovie.com for more information.
The health, safety, and wellbeing is the utmost importance for all of our students at Mercy. As a community, we are increasingly concerned about the effects of vaping or the use of e-cigarettes by teenagers. Please click HERE to read this message from the Center of Disease Control and have a conversation with your daughter about the dangers of vaping. Please know that we will be discussing this issue with the students during collaboration. Prevention takes a village!
![]() Mercy Parent Club Kick-off Meeting - open to all parents All parents are welcome to the MPC Kick-off meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please let us know if you can join CLICK HERE. Come meet other parents/guardians and hear about how to get involved this year in the Mercy Parent Club!
![]() Mercy-A-Thon Update - Permissions slips DUE TONIGHT Our Student Fundraiser has raised 55%* of our school-wide goal of $75,000! Great job Mercy! Class of 2020 - $10,802.43 Class of 2021- $8,067.63 Class of 2022 - $9,299.00 Class of 2023 - $13,022.05 *as of 9.9.19 Permission slips for the Mercy-A-Thon celebration day on Sept. 24th are DUE TONIGHT- please email a completed slip to asilva@mercyhsb.com or submit to the Main office tomorrow.
Mercy Annual Fund Parent Giving Program - Parent Pledge Commitment week is Coming! Sept. 16th-21st members of the Mercy Advancement Team and the Annual Fund Parent Team will be in the parking lot at pick up handing out and picking up your Commitment forms! The Mercy Annual Fund is the cornerstone of giving at Mercy. We ask that all families make a tax-deductible commitment to the giving program as the most critical show of support for the school and our students. The Fund provides immediate resources to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost to educate each student. To learn about what is made possible by Mercy Annual Fund gifts, please visit our Giving page on the website. Make a Pledge or gift online HERE or download the Parent Commitment form HERE If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Annual Fund Parent Giving please contact Jennifer Munsey in the Mercy Advancement office at 650-762-1199 or jmunsey@mercyhsb.com.
![]() We are in need of baskets! Do you have any extra baskets (in very good condition and about 12-15in diameter) at home?
![]() Help Wanted - Music at Kohl Mansion is seeking a Reception Coordinator for 8 Sunday evenings, October 20-May10. Following each of our season concerts, Music at Kohl hosts a meet-the-artists reception for our patrons and we need someone to cater these events. The reception coordinator will: plan and shop for reception menu (cheese platter, simple finger foods, etc.), prepare food items as needed, arrange reception platters, set up reception buffet, oversee Mercy student volunteers, help with wine opening and pouring, and help with clean up. This is a paid position. Must be over 21. Dates for the season are: October 20, November 10, December 15, January 19, February 16, March 15, April 5, and May 10. Hours are approximately 5-10pm on those evenings. If interested, please contact Katie Riggs, admin@musicatkohl.org or (650) 762-1130. Thank you! SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES ![]() Help Needed for Alumnae Homecoming
![]() Tri-School Walk for Catholic Worker 3 Supplemental hours and 1 Learning Hour Saturday, September 21st - 9am-12:15pm Help raise money for the Catholic Worker House in San Bruno, $40 donation. Walk starts at Mercy High School 9:00am Ends at Catholic Worker Hospitality House, Saint Bruno Church at 12:15 pm) Sign up on the Campus Ministry Door. Each participant is asked to raise $40, and walk for the Catholic Worker EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL ![]() The Alps to the Mediterranean - Summer 2020 European trip for Mercy students! (Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, France, and Spain in one trip) Send your daughter on a trip of a life-time to places that they may never get the opportunity to go. Many people visit London, Paris, and Rome, but beautiful Lucerne in the Alps, the Tuscan region in north Italy, the luxurious Monaco, the French Riviera, and festive Barcelona, Spain are places that are rich in history, fun to shop, and gorgeous to view. Parents have the opportunity to sign their daughters up for this educational excursion (during which you get a vacation at home) happening July 22-Aug 1 give or take a few days. The enrollment is limited to 30 students. Some students have already enrolled. Open to students only. Click HERE to find out more about what your daughters will experience and how to sign her up.
For more information visit the EF Tours website or email Randall Watts at rwatts@mercyhsb.com Tour Number: 2271527NN Enrollment Website: www.eftours.com/2271527NN If families want to enroll via a customer service rep, then they can call 800-665-5364. CLASS INFORMATION FRESHMAN PARENTS ![]() Cheers to you! Thank to those of you who are able to attend tonight's Head of School New Parent Reception for Freshman and Transfer Parents tonight September 11, 2019 at 7:00 pm. It has come to our attention that there was an error in the online school calendar, which listed the event start time at 6:30pm. We look forward to seeing you this evening, please contact me with any questions. View invite HERE.
JUNIOR PARENTS ![]() Kairos Retreat Information This week, during the junior religion classes, seniors will come and talk to them about the Kairos retreat that they can experience this year. This is an amazing experience and opportunity for your daughters. The spaces do fill up quickly so if you wish your daughter to attend, please encourage her to sign up. The cost of the retreat is $250.00. To reserve a spot we ask that you pay the entire $250 which is due by Friday, September 13th. The dates for Kairos this year are: Wednesday, October 2-Friday, October 4 OR Wednesday March 11- Friday, March 13th. If you have any questions please email Angie at asimonetti@mercyhsb.com.
SENIOR PARENTS ATHLETICS ![]() Please feel free to contact me anytime with concerns or comments at 650-762-1107. I am looking forward to a great 2019-20 with Mercy Athletics!
Follow Mercy Athletics on Twitter for game updates and scores!
All results of each team can be found in the Mercy scoreboard-place HERE
The team pictures for fall sports will be taking place on Sept 16 and 17. Tennis, Cross Country, JV and Varsity Volleyball will be on Sept 16. JV and Varsity Water Polo, Frosh Volleyball and Golf will be on Sept 17
Games & Practice Schedule September 12-18
![]() Athlete of the Week IMPORTANT REMINDERS If your daughter has an allergy and requires an EpiPen, please have your daughter bring one to the Main Office by next Friday 9/13. The EipPen should be labeled with her name and advisory number.
Mercy High School is excited to begin our Fall Admissions Season! We offer a number of opportunities for prospective students and families to visit campus and get to know Mercy. If you know someone that would be a great addition to our community, we welcome your referral! Click HERE for our Admission Events.
CALENDARS MERCY HIGH SCHOOL 2750 Adeline Drive • Burlingame, CA 94010 • Phone 650.343.3631 • Fax 650.343.2316 |