Lobster Feed & Live Music Student Volunteer sign-up
Friday February 28th, 2020 is Mercy's second annual Lobster Feed & Live Music event to benefit all Mercy HSB programs including academics, athletics & visual & performing arts!   The Advancement department  will provide pizza and snacks to students who work.  You may sign up for more than one shift as long as the times do not overlap.  Thank you in advance for your help!  Students will also need to have the permission slip signed and turned in before the event in order to work and for service hours to be verified! If you have any questions you can contact Amare Silva in the Mercy Advancement Department, asilva@mercyhsb.com

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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Class Year *
Student contact phone number *
Student Permission slip- please print and return to the Mercy Main office
Student Table Hostess
Student General Help at event
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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