AP/Honors Courses
Mercy offers the opportunity for students to enroll in honors and advanced placement courses throughout their four years at Mercy. These courses have specific prerequisites based on student performance, prior course work, qualifying tests, standardized tests and other criteria determined by each department.
Advanced Placement Program:
Students who enroll in Advanced Placement courses are expected to take the Advanced Placement exam. Testing is done through the College Board. For more information about the Advanced Placement, please visit the College Board website. View the AP Contract.
Honors & AP Classes Offered 2022-23
Honors and Advanced Placement Courses*
English 1H, English 2H, AP English Language, AP English Literature
Geometry H, Algebra II H, Precalculus H, AP Calculus AB, AP Computer Science, Calculus H, Statistics H
Biology H, Chemistry H, Anatomy H, Physics H,
AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Environmental Science, AP Biology
Social Science
AP World History, AP US History,
AP American Government, AP Psychology
World Language
Spanish 3H, AP Spanish Language, French 3H,
AP French Language, ASL3 H, ASL4 H
Fine Arts
AP Studio Art 2D, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, Dance 3H, Dance 4H, 5H, 6H, Art 3H, Chorale H, Ceramics 3H
*Beginning Sophomore year students can take 1 AP, Junior and Senior year students can take 3 AP. Students are only permitted to take 3 AP courses per year unless given permission from administration.
*All honors and AP classes receive an extra point in the Mercy GPA found on the students’ transcript.